Tae Kwon Do Fabriano Story

Founded in 1978 by Master Giovanni Berardi with the name of "Centro Taekwondo Fabriano", the Association is the first tae kwon do association in the territory of Fabriano and surroundings.
Initially attended by fifteen athletes, the Association arrives to enroll more than one hundred members per season, during the following years, including junior, senior, master and amateurs.
The Association achieved many results in Italy and has been honored to have same athletes called at the Italian National Team.
First of them was Luca Massaccesi, who in 1992 won the bronze medal at Barcellona Olympic Games, when taekwondo was a included as a demonstrative sport.
Then, Francesca Pisani, Italian Champion in taekwondo fighting in 2002 and Italian Champion in taekwondo poomse in 2012.
During the years, other three athletes has been called at several meetings of the Italian National Team.
The Association is committed in teaching the modern tae kwon do without forgetting the tradition and it continues to provide to its member also the opportunity to practice traditional taekwondo and self defense techniques, with qualified and skilled teachers.
Recently the Association has dedicated a course focused on children from three to six year old, teaching the basic tae kwon do, as well as recreational and motor activities.
The Association not only attend to agonistic competitions in fighting and poomse, but also every season takes part to events organized by other associations or bodies, including for benefic purpose, promoting the tae kwon do knowledge as sport and as martial art.
The Association further manage several activities to the benefit of its members, such as the children summer camp.