The events
Fighting Competitions

The association takes part in interregional, national and international competitions. Amongst the best results achieved there are 18 National titles. Updating in real time on facebook and twitter pages.
Poomse Competitions
The Association takes part in interregional, national and international competitions. Amongst the best results achieved there are several National titles. Updating in real time on facebook and twitter pages.
The Association takes part in and manages exhibitions events also organized by third parties. In 2017, at Fabriano Municipial sports hall, the Association organized an exhibition with its associated on occasion of Samuele Granili Memorial. From 2012 to 2018 the Association adhered at the sport day managed by “Il Gentile” mall.
Festa Dello Sport
Every year the Association takes part in the "Festa dello Sport" (Sport Festival), organized by CONI, to promote tae kwon do knowledge and the practice.
Every year the Association takes part in the national event organized by UISP in Fabriano Municipality and sometimes also in Sassoferrato and Senigallia municipalities, to promote tae kwon do knowledge and the practice.
Summer Camp
The Association, that represent also a place of meeting and aggregation for young people, organizes events for the associated during the sport season and during summer, among which the Summer camp for kids.