• 1983 First Place as team at the Italian red belts fighting Championship;
  • 2002 Third Place as team at the Italian Senior black belts fighting Championship;
  • 2005 First Place as team at the Italian Junior black belts fighting Championship;
  • 2005 Bronze Star at sport value from Italian National Olympic Committee;
  • 18 individual gold medals at Italian Championships;
  • Several athletes called at the National tae kwon do team meetings, amongst whom Luca Massaccesi was for 4 years among the top three in World tournaments and also won the bronze medal at Barcellona Olympics Game in 1992;
  • Many medals obtained at National Championships both fighting and poomse;
  • Many medals obtained at Open National and International Championships both fighting and poomse;
  • Many victories and placements at Regional and Interregional Championships both fighting and poomse.